Frequently Asked Questions

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No. As long as the Sagewash™ Sanitizer is properly drained after each use, the tablet will last for a total use time of approximately 2 hours. For example, if a HTH tablet is used 15 minutes per day to clean ten kennel runs, that tablet will last about eight days.

Nee. Solank die Sagewash™ Sanitizer na elke gebruik behoorlik gedreineer word, kan die tablet vir ‘n totale tydperk van ongeveer 2 ure gebruik word. As ‘n HTH tablet byvoorbeeld vir 15 minute per dag gebruik word om tien hondehokbane skoon te maak, sal die tablet vir ongeveer agt dae hou.

Even if the Sagewash™ Sanitizer has used 95% of the HTH tablet, the sanitizing power is still more than adequate to meet our goal of producing a solution that falls within the USDA recommendations for a non-rinse sanitizer/disinfectant.

Al het die Sagewash™ Sanitizer 95% van die HTH tablet gebruik, is die kwaliteit van die onsmetting nog voldoende om die doelwit van ‘n oplossing wat steeds binneperke van die USDA-aanbeveling vir ‘n nie-spoel ontsmettingsmiddel/saniteermiddel val te produseer.

The Sagewash™ Sanitizer generates chlorine immediately, usually taking less than two minutes to reach its peak chlorine production of 250ppm (±. 5) when using a brand new HTH tablet. When using a tablet that has been used at least once before, there is no delay in reaching its peak level.

Die Sagewash™ Sanitizer begin onmiddelik chloor produseer. Wanneer ‘n nuwe HTH tablet gebruik word neem dit ongeveer twee minute om die toppunt vlak van 250dpm (± 5) te bereik. ‘n Tablet wat minstens eenkeer vantevore gebruik is, bereik onmiddelik die toppunt.

Absolutely! Look at this way … is it safe to jump into a swimming pool? Swimming pools usually have about 5 – 10ppm total chlorine. The Sagewash™ Sanitizer is just a higher chlorine concentration than swimming pools but is still very safe to contact. That’s one of the many magical things about Sagewash.

Absoluut! Kyk so hierna… is dit veilig om in die swembad in te spring? Swembaddens bevat gewoonlik ongeveer 5 – 10dpm totale chloor. Die Sagewash™ Sanitizer is hoër in konsentrasie as swembaddens maar is steeds baie veilig om in kontak mee te kom. Dis een van die baie besonderse aspekte van Sagewash.

The main active ingredient in the Sagewash™ Sanitizer is hypochlorous acid, the most overall effective germ-killing agent known to man. The high levels of hypochlorous acid produced by the Sagewash™ Sanitizer kill within seconds (up to 120 times faster than liquid bleach). Nevertheless, it is our recommendation to leave the Sagewash solution on a surface for at least two minutes. But, remember, you do not have to rinse!

Die hoofbestanddeel in die Sagewash™ Sanitizer is Hipochloorsuur, die mees algemeenste effektiewe kiemdoder middel wat die mens ken. In werklikheid maak die hoë vlakke van Hipochloorsuur wat deur die Sagewash™ Sanitizer vervaardig word, binne enkele sekondes kieme dood (tot en met 120 keer vinniger as vloeibare bleikmiddel). Ongeag, stel ons voor dat die Sagewash oplossing vir ten minste twee minute op ‘n oppervlak gelos word. Maar onthou, jy hoef dit nie af te spoel nie!

Chlorine is a highly volatile element, which is one of the reasons that it makes such a great disinfectant. Because of its volatility, chlorine “wants” to bond with other elements in order to stabilize. So, in essence, chlorine is produced, does its job, and then disappears into another element, making it completely biodegradable. Evaporation, UV light, organic matter, and other substances present all play a role in the longevity of chlorine on surfaces. It is safe to say that when the Sagewash solution is evaporated, the chlorine and related substances are gone as well.

Chloor is ‘n baie vlugtige element, wat een van die hoofredes is waarom dit ‘n baie goeie ontsmettingsmiddel is. Vanweë die vlugtigheid daarvan ‘wil’ chloor met ander elemente verbind om te stabiliseer. Chloor word dus in wese geproduseer, doen sy werk en verdwyn dan in ‘n ander element, wat dit heeltemal bioafbreekbaar maak. Verdamping, UV -lig, organiese materiaal en die teenwoordigheid van ander stowwe speel alles ‘n rol in die lewensduur van chloor op oppervlaktes. Dit is veilig om te sê dat die chloor en verwante stowwe ook verdwyn wanneer die Sagewash -oplossing verdamp.

It is completely safe to rinse down pH neutral degreasers and soaps that are labeled as safe for use with chlorine products. Ammonia products or products that are not compatible for use with chlorine products must be avoided.

Dit is heeltemal veilig om pH -neutrale ontvettingmiddels en seep af te spoel wat as veilig geoormerk is, vir gebruik met chloor produkte. Ammoniak produkte of produkte wat nie verenigbaar is vir gebruik met chloor produkte nie, moet vermy word.

The Sagewash™ Sanitizer and the solution it produces is completely safe for use on grass, plants, trees, etc.

Die Sagewash™ Sanitizer en die oplossing wat dit produseer is heeltemal veilig vir gebruik op gras, plante, bome ens.

The solution coming out of the front of the adjustable nozzle end of the Sanitizer will not bleach clothes. However, the solution that is drained out of the Sanitizer after each use is highly concentrated and will bleach clothes. Care should be taken not to spill the drained water on clothes.

Die oplossing wat uit die voorkant van die Sanitizer se aanpasbare spuitstuk uitkom sal nie klere bleik nie. Maar die oplossing wat uit die Sanitizer eenheid gedreineer word na elke gebruik is hoogs gekonsentreer en sal klere bleik. Wees derhalwe versigtig om nie die gedreineerde water op klere te mors nie.

The Sagewash™ Sanitizer will remove many stains and whiten most surfaces, especially after spraying a particular surface a few times. It is not going to “bleach” stains and surfaces in the fashion of liquid bleach. It is a milder solution than most liquid bleach mixtures, but it is an exponentially more effective sanitizer than liquid bleach. It is difficult for many people to understand how a substance that is milder than bleach can be up to 120 times more effective than liquid bleach. The answer lies in chemistry!!! Further information can be found in the Sagewash Technical Papers.

Die Sagewash™ Sanitizer sal menige vlekke verwyder en meeste wit oppervlakke wit maak, veral na ‘n spesifieke oppervlak al ‘n paar keer gespuit is. Dit gaan nie soos vloeibare bleikmiddels oppervlaktes vlek of ‘bleik’ nie. Dit is ‘n meer matige oplossing as meeste vloeibare bleikmiddel mengsels, maar is eksponensieel ‘n meer effektiewe ontsmettingsmiddel as vloeibare bleikmiddel. Dit is moeilik vir baie mense om te verstaan hoe ‘n middel wat meer matig is as bleikmiddel tot en met 120 keer meer effektief is as vloeibare bleikmiddel. Die antwoord berus in chemie!! Verdere inligting kan gevind word in die Sagewash se tegniese papiere.

The Sagewash™ Sanitizer generates some fumes, albeit many fewer than most sanitizers and disinfectants. The Sanitizer should be used with adequate ventilation, just like any cleaning product. What all users will notice, however, is that the fumes Sagewash produces are exponentially more pleasant than most other disinfectants, especially liquid bleach.

Die Sagewash™ Sanitizer produseer dampe, maar dit is wel baie minder as meeste saniteer- en ontsmettingsmiddels. Die Sanitizer moet met voldoende ventilasie gebruik word, net soos met enige ander skoonmaakmiddel. Wat alle verbruikers wel sal oplet, is dat die dampe wat Sagewash produseer eksponensieel meer aangenaam is, as van dié meeste ander ontsmettingsmiddels, veral vloeibare bleikmiddel.

That white substance is calcium, a by-product produced from the Sagewash™ Sanitizer’s internal process. This substance is completely harmless. Soaking the Sanitizer unit, after removing the tablet, in white vinegar and then rinsing will remove the buildup.

Die wit middel is kalsium, ‘n by-produk wat geproduseer word weens Sagewash™ Sanitizer se interne prosesse. Hierdie neerslag is heeltemal skadeloos. Om die opgeboude kalsium te verwyder kan die Sanitizer eenheid, nadat die tablet verwyder is, in wit asyn geweek word en daarna met water gespoel word.

Absolutely! The HTH tablets have an extended shelf life, losing only 3% efficacy in two years.

Absoluut! Die HTH tablette het ‘n verlengde raklewe, en verloor slegs 3% effektiwiteit in twee jaar

The Sagewash™ Sanitizer unit is constructed from high impact ASS, Polypropylene polymers, and rugged brass fittings. Of course, all products can be destroyed by careless handling and operation. With reasonable use and care, we have had Sanitizers last for many years.

Die Sagewash™ Sanitizer eenheid is gemaak van hoë impak ABS, Polipropileen polimere, en robuuste koper toebehore. Natuurlik kan alle produkte beskadig word deur onverskillige hantering en werking. Met redelike gebruik en sorg, het ons al Sanitizers gehad wat vir baie jare hou.

Using normal water hose pressure, a HTH tablet will provide approximately 2 hours of continuous flow sanitizing solution.

Indien normale tuinslang druk gebruik word, sal ‘n HTH tablet vir ongeveer 2 ure aanhoudende vloei ontsmetingsmiddel lewer.

The Sagewash™ Sanitizer is designed to work best between 40 – 70psi (2.75 – 4.8 bar), with the optimal range falling between 50 – 60psi (3.44 – 4.13 bar).

Die Sagewash™ Sanitizer is ontwerp om optimaal te werk tussen 40 – 70psi (2.75-4.8 bar), met ‘n optimale omvang wat val tussen 50 – 60psi (3.44 – 4.13 bar).

The Sagewash™ Sanitizer can be used at the hose end or in line, and, as long as proper hose pressure and flow rate are maintained, the Sanitizer can be configured in other creative ways. Always remember, however, that the hydro injection system is pressure dependent, meaning that water pressure plays a large role in the operation of the Sanitizer.

Die Sagewash™ Sanitizer kan aan die einde van die pyp of in lyn gebruik word, en solank die behoorlike waterdruk en vloeitempo gehandhaaf word, kan die gebruik van die ontsmettingsmiddel op kreatiewe maniere gekonfigureer word. Hou wel altyd in gedagte dat die hidro-inspuitingstelsel afhanklik is van druk, wat beteken dat waterdruk ‘n belangrike rol speel in die werking van die Sanitizer eenheid.

This really depends on how bad the mold and algae problem is and how much moisture is present. In most cases, spraying an area once per week as an inhibitor should be more than sufficient. To eliminate an existing algae/mold problem, consecutive applications over a period of days should get the user to a point where a weekly application is sufficient.

Dit hang regtig af van hoe ernstig die swamme of alge probleem is en hoe baie vog teenwoordig is. In die meeste gevalle is dit meer as voldoende om ‘n area een keer ‘n week te spuit om groei te verhoed. Om ‘n bestaande alge/swam probleem te elimineer behoort opeenvolgende toepassings oor ‘n paar dae die gebruiker op ‘n punt te bring waar ‘n weeklikse toepassing voldoende is.

Those spots are calcium deposits. White vinegar will immediately remove it. Almost always, those spots come from the improper draining of the Sagewash™ Sanitizer. The solution that is drained out of the Sanitizer after each use should be drained into a sewer drain or bucket (bucket solution can be mixed with water to make a disinfectant solution!). There is much more calcium present in the drained solution than in the Sagewash solution that is sprayed out of the Sanitizer. Just be careful when draining your Sanitizer, and you won’t have a spotting problem.

Hierdie kolle is kalsium neerslag. Wit asyn sal dit dadelik verwyder. Hierdie kolle is gewoonlik weens die onbehoorlike dreinering van die Sagewash™ Sanitizer. Die oplossing wat uit die Sanitizer eenheid gedreineer word na elke gebruik, behoort in ‘n rioolafvoer of emmer gedreineer te word (emmer oplossing kan gemeng word met water om ‘n ontsmettingsmiddel te maak!) Daar is baie meer kalsium teenwoordig in die dreinerings oplossing as wat uit die Sanitizer gespuit word. Wees net versigtig wanneer jy Sanitizer dreineer, en daar behoort geen neerslag probleme te wees nie.

No! Do not remove the jacket from the HTH tablet before using it. The jacket does several things and is an

integral part of the operation of the Sanitizer. It also allows you to handle the tablet safely without gloves.

Nee! Moet nie die omhulsel van die HTH tablet afhaal voor jy dit gebruik nie. Die omhulsel het verskeie funksies en is ‘n integrale deel van die werking van die Sanitizer. Dit laat jou ook toe om die tablet sonder handskoene veilig te hanteer.

Practically speaking, no. Average hose water has a temperature of 10° to 27° degrees C. At this temperature range, performance of the Sagewash solution will not be greatly altered. Generally, however, as water temperature drops, contact time should be increased. If using extremely cold water, we suggest doubling the contact time to four minutes. Of course, with our no rinse system, this is not really a factor because the product is left until it evaporates.

Prakties gesproke, nee. Gemiddelde tuinslang water het ‘n temperatuur van 10° C tot 27° C . Teen hierdie temperature word die effektiwiteit van die Sagewash -oplossing nie aansienlik verander nie. As ‘n algemene reël egter, namate water temperatuur daal, moet kontak tyd verleng word. Met die gebruik van uiters koue water, stel ons voor dat die kontak tyd na vier minute verdubbel word. Met ons geen-spoel stelsel, is dit nie regtig ‘n faktor nie, want die produk word gelos totdat dit verdamp.

No. Water hardness plays no role in the efficacy of Sagewash. Should you notice a buildup of calcium deposits on the unit, soak the Sagewash™ Sanitizer unit, after removing the tablet, once a month in white vinegar and then rinsing will remove the buildup.

Nee. Water hardheid speel geen rol in die effektiwiteit van Sagewash nie. As jy sien daar is kalsium aanpaksels op die eenheid, week die Sagewash™ Sanitizer, nadat jy die tablet verweider het, een keer ‘n maand, in ‘n houer wit asyn. Dit sal die aanpaksels afbreek.

Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) is related to the concentration of oxidizers or reducers in a solution, and their activity or strength. It provides an indication of the solution’s ability to oxidize or reduce another material. In disinfection applications, the ORP value of the solution is more meaningful than milligrams per litre (mg/L) measurements of free residual chlorine or total chlorine.

This is because the equilibrium between two forms of chlorine in the water shifts with changing pH.

The molecular form of free chlorine in water is HOCI, or hypochlorous acid, a strong, fast-acting oxidizer. As the pH increases, the HOCI converts to its ionic form, OCI- (the hypochlorite ion), which is a weaker, slower acting oxidizer. The Sagewash solution has an ORP measurement of approximately 750 millivolts (mV). An ORP of 650mV has been proven by the World Health Organization to provide instantaneous E. coli destruction. Oxidation Reduction Potential measurements of between 650mV and 700mV are highly effective at killing dangerous pathogens almost instantaneously. This is yet another reason that Sagewash is so effective!

Oksidasie Verminderings Potensiaal (ORP) is verwant aan die konsentrasie van oksideermiddels of reduksiemiddels in ‘n oplossing, en hul aktiwiteit en sterkte. Dit bied ‘n aanduiding van die oplossing se vermoë om ‘n ander materiaal te oksideer of te reduseer. In ontsmettings toepassings is die ORP -waarde van die oplossing meer betekenisvol as milligram per liter (mg/L) metings van vrye oorblywende chloor of totale chloor. Dit is omdat die ewewig tussen twee vorme van chloor in die water verander met veranderende pH. Die molekulêre vorm van chloor in water is HOCL, of hipochloorsuur, ‘n sterk, vinnigwerkende oksideermiddel. Namate die pH toeneem, skakel die HOCL om na sy ioniese vorm, OCI- (die hipochlorietioon), wat ‘n swakker, stadiger werkende oksideermiddel is. Die Sagewash -oplossing het ‘n ORP -meting van ongeveer 750 millivolt (mV). ‘n ORP van 650mV is bewys deur die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie om onmiddellike E. coli -vernietiging te verseker. Oksidasievermindering Potensiële metings van tussen 650mV en 700mV word as baie effektief beskou om gevaarlike patogene byna dadelik dood te maak. Dit is nog ‘n rede waarom Sagewash so effektief is!


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